The Warren

Animals Fun Science Community
Animals EN 30
Our server is mainly focused on the animal side of science or zoology.

In the Warren we provide our members with:
😁An amazing staff who always are willing to help you when in need.
😎We have an Amazing community who are mostly active and discuss important zoological topics.
🐘Our Channels are mainly focused on nature, wildlife, zoology and other topics based around Science.
🐞Our Channels and Categories are neatly organised meaning that it is easier to navigate to the channels that you want to chat on.
🤠Members are assigned an automatic role as soon as they join.
🤯Members are also able to customly change their roles based on their personal preferences and what is best suited for them.
🤔We have a suggestions channel where Members can ask staff or the owner for anything they would like or that will improve the server.
😃Our server is strictly anti-toxic and family friendly meaning that cursing or other use of bad language or references is strictly prohibited.
🌟Our server is also focused on education which is a very high priority for us as we strive to send the message of nature to all even if they aren't interested.
🌈This server will be used for give and retrieve, meaning that you will pass on knowledge and opinions in order to retrieve knowledge from others.
😮We also have a levelling system to keep Members engaged and to be able to participate often.
💬We have a variety of voice chats for you to partake in.
🎯We have a variety of activities to keep users entertained and to keep them excited.
🦕If you are interested, we also feature and discuss prehistoric animals to keep our Paleontologists engaged also.

❗NOTE:Make sure you check the RULES as soon as you have joined. Make sure to have fun and learn something new most importantly of all when you are on the server and communicate with others.👍